Unplanned / "Restful" Day

Today was an extra day that we didn’t really have anything in particular planned except that we would continue to explore Edinburgh.  What we didn’t anticipate is we didn’t really have much left to do (that we wanted to do, anyways)… Leading us to having a very unplanned and somewhat restful day. It was nice that our pace was very slow since we didn’t have anywhere in particular to go, but it also left us trying to fill/waste time.  You never really realize how nice it is having internet on your phone to help you find something to do or just occupy some empty time. 

We ended up walking around the Royal Botanic Gardens to explore the other half we didn’t see on Wednesday since it was so close to the B&B.  However, our feet/legs really just want to rest, so we walked quite slow through this wasting a couple of hours. It is really pretty and it is free which is really nice! 

Next stop was back downtown Edinburgh… for fudge! We went into the Fudge Kitchen on Wednesday, but we didn’t buy any fudge 🙁 Kevin thought about it for two whole days and made the decision we must go back! So, we now have some absolutely divine fudge coming home with us. This place makes the fudge right in front of you which is really neat, and we were able to sample every kind we wanted before making a decision to buy. Honestly, the guys gave away so much free fudge while we were in there to people who didn’t buy anything, it was kind of ridiculous. At least we ended up buying some! Drooling already…

Last random stop for the evening before heading to our new B&B was the Craigmillar Castle which was on our explorer pass, so admission was free. It was a really neat castle that actually had a ton of rooms we could walk through and explore. Plus there was maybe two other people there, so we didn’t feel so claustrophobic in every turn.

Tomorrow we fly back 🙁 I think we are both ready to be home since this was such a long trip, but we aren’t ready to begin life again. We’d just like to come home and relax for a week or so, and then try life =)

Chinese Hillside at the Royal Botanic Gardens. So pretty.

Gertie enjoyed her adventure exploring and conquering castles…

In front of the Craigmillar Castle. Conquering our last one for now 🙁

Picture of Jessica


Hello! I’m Jessica, the voice behind Wandering with Mr. and Mrs. Ennis. My husband and I are off-the-beaten-path travellers who approach life with curiosity, compassion, and above all, kindness. Through our stories of adventures (and occasional misadventures!), we hope others are encouraged to explore beyond the tourist guidebooks and take the road less travelled.