We are now at vacation number 3 of the year, but this time we brought my mom and her new husband Steve along for the ride! They so deserve this week of relaxation, and I’m so glad we get to share it with them both. So many new experiences for them, and it’s so fun to watch.
First big adventure… getting on the airplane. Before today, Steve had never flown before. Anxiety was high, but so was the anticipation which I suspect won over in the end. He seemed to enjoy the flights, other than the turbulents… but let’s be honest… nobody enjoys those.
Next big adventure… navigating the Houston airport. Riding on the unmanned tram and walking across the flat escalators. Both of which amazed our guests. =)
All in all, the travel to Mexico was very uneventful. No drama in customs other than searching the coffee in my mom’s bag thinking she was smuggling drugs. If only they knew, coffee is her drug…
Checked into the resort… Holy Huge! Dinner at Epazote — Guacamole made right at our table? Yes please. Best guacamole any of us had ever had (except Kevin…. strange man doesn’t like it…).
After a quick trip to the Plaza for a few necessities, we ended our day in our room/mansion. The suite is bigger than our house…. on the sixth floor… with an ocean view. Yeah it’s pretty terrible.

In Houston, ready to get going!

The terrible view…