Cement, cement, cement

Jetlag 4
Jessica 0

Our day started with breakfast and sandwich making for lunch today. Peanut butter and jelly!

Upon arrival at the community, my group headed off to the classroom to teach a lesson. School the World offered suggestions of lesson plans, but I already knew what I was doing. I’ve been preparing for weeks — pipe cleaner crafts! I made samples last night to show the kids, and everyone chose which they wanted to make from my five samples.

Corazon – heart
Flor – flower
Caracol -snail
Coneja – rabbit
Serpiente – snake

Such a success! The kids all loved the hands-on activity as well as learning the English words. I left the craft supplies with the teacher and she was so appreciative. So humbling. Definitely my favorite part so far.

Those that weren’t teaching continued working and by the time we were back, the basketball court was completed and part of the playground equipment was being placed.

Lunch time was a picnic on the ground followed by recess with the kids. So fun running around blowing bubbles and playing.

Back to the cement work as we had the goal to complete the cement for all the playground equipment as well as decorating/painting the equipment. 

The day ended with laying rock around the playground, so we finished the day having completed our goal!

During our breaks, we had lots of kids running around playing, and a group of hermanas (sisters) discovered that I had stickers in my bag and they all kept finding me again for more stickers for their primas (cousins). We all ended up with mariposas (butterfly) stickers on our foreheads playing ring around the rosy. Just so sweet!

Even as we were driving away the girls came up to the van for another sticker for another friend. I was hanging out the van window for her to pick which color. 

Arriving to the hotel, we had no water or electricity. So a little dry shampoo and baby wipe became my ‘shower’. We all wanted to go into town before dinner, so we headed out to wander the markets. I obviously cannot walk by good Street food without eating it, so more pupusas before dinner!

Dinner and back to the hotel – water and electricity was restored, so shower and bed. Today was truly exhausting with all the shovelling, but boy is it starting to look like a school!

Picture of Jessica


Hello! I’m Jessica, the voice behind Wandering with Mr. and Mrs. Ennis. My husband and I are off-the-beaten-path travellers who approach life with curiosity, compassion, and above all, kindness. Through our stories of adventures (and occasional misadventures!), we hope others are encouraged to explore beyond the tourist guidebooks and take the road less travelled.